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  • Photo du rédacteurJasmine

Stereotyped youth, Five

Five, released in 2016, is the only film directed by Igor Gotesman, who will later be known for his series Family Business (2019).

Idrissa Hanrot, François Civil, Pierre Niney, Margot Bancilhon and Igor Gotesman in Five (2016)

Five’s scenario is simple… even too simple: a group of friends wish to make a roommate but their plan is threatened when Samuel (played by Pierre Niney) finds himself broke, his father cutting off his food. He will then reinvent himself as a dealer.

First of all, the story presents only clichés about youth: sex, drugs, parties, alcohol. Lacking a truly innovative script, the film also does not play on an original staging or even on a different montage, everything remains in simplicity and the ordinary. Finally, it is in the acting that the film stands out. Indeed, Pierre Niney and François Civil (“Tim”) are refreshing, funny and lively. They take their role to heart and make their characters live. In opposition to the rest of the cast, which is limited to reciting a text, without showing any emotion. It can also be due to a lack of time on the screen: Pierre Niney and François Civil are very present throughout the film, while Vadim (played by Igor Gotesman himself) and Julia (played by Margot Bancilhon) are only there to evoke their secret relationship. Nestor (played by Idrissa Hanrot) is totally absent if only to bring the few sex scenes of the film, essential to portray youth.

The comedy had potential but Igor Gotesman chose the easy way by taking refuge in a too classic story. However, the film remains quite funny and makes us have a good time, waiting to see FIASCO, the director’s next series.

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